2023-24 Annual Extraordinary Cost Pool Claims for NPS/LCI & Necessary Small SELPAs Extraordinary Cost Pool for Mental Health Services Data Due Date Reminder

You are receiving this email because you have subscribed to the Principal Apportionment (PASE) Listserv.
As a reminder, the following 2023–24 Annual data is due to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Thursday, October 31, 2024:
* Extraordinary Cost Pool (ECP) for Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Licensed Children’s Institution (NPS/LCI) * Necessary Small SELPAs Extraordinary Cost Pool for Mental Health Services (NSS ECPMH)
ECP Claims Submission Requirements:
1. An electronic data submission through the Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Web Application by October 31, and 2. Hard copy submission of supporting documentation must be mailed to the following address, postmarked by October 31:
California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Principal Apportionment Section Attn: ECP Analyst 1430 N Street, Suite 3800 Sacramento, CA 95814
Attached is the ECP Handout, which contains important information to assist Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) in reporting and submitting ECP NPS/LCI and NSS ECPMH claims.
In addition, the CDE strongly recommends that SELPAs/LEAs include the Supplemental Form for Extraordinary Cost Pool with each ECP NPS/LCI and NSS ECPMH claim. This form is available on the Special Education ECP’s web page at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/se/senpslciecp.asp.
The PADC Web Application and resources for data reporting and certification are posted on the PADC web page at: www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/.
Principal Apportionment Section PASE@cde.ca.gov<mailto:PASE@cde.ca.gov> 916-324-4541
The CDE PASE Listserv provides to local educational agencies and other interested parties important information pertaining to various apportionment-related items. If you no longer wish to receive information via the PASE Listserv, please follow the instructions provided on the CDE webpage in the Resources tab located at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/index.asp?tabsection=5 under the section PASE Listserv. The same webpage also provides information for anyone wanting to subscribe to the PASE Listserv.