2021–22 Independent Study Certification for ADA Loss Mitigation

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the 2021–22 Independent Study Certification for ADA Loss Mitigation
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: bounce-1876027-14241499@mlist.cde.ca.gov <bounce-1876027-14241499@mlist.cde.ca.gov> On Behalf Of pase@cde.ca.gov Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 2:56 PM To: Todd Humphreys <thumphreys@sbceo.org> Subject: 2021–22 Independent Study Certification for ADA Loss Mitigation
You are receiving this message because you have subscribed to the Principal Apportionment (PASE) listserv.
This is a reminder that school districts and county offices of education (COEs) should complete the new data entry screen for 2021–22 Independent Study Certification for Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Loss Mitigation no later than November 1st.
The Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Link: pas.cde.ca.gov/
The final due date for certification and data entry is November 1st. Failure to submit and certify data on time will disqualify the school district or COE from being considered for an adjustment to the 2021–22 ADA for Loss Mitigation.
As a reminder, please obtain full certification of the data prior to final submission.
The adjustment to 2021–22 reported ADA based on the independent study certification and ADA to enrollment ratio calculations will be reflected in the 2021–22 Annual Apportionment certification in February 2023.
Additional resources can be found below.
* Frequently asked questions about the ADA loss mitigation at: www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/iscertadaloss2122.asp. * Updated 2021–22 PADC User Manual version 4.50 with data reporting instructions for school districts (page 72) and COEs (page 43) available at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/.
* Classroom-based charters do not need to provide this certification and will automatically be considered eligible to have their ADA reviewed for an adjustment. * Nonclassroom-based charters are not eligible for an adjustment under the ADA loss mitigation program. * Please follow the PADC User Manual instructions for step-by-step instructions for both school districts and COEs.
Please contact the Principal Apportionment Section at PASE@cde.ca.gov<mailto:PASE@cde.ca.gov> with any questions.
Thank you,
Principal Apportionment Section

The CDE PASE Listserv provides to local educational agencies and other interested parties important information pertaining to various apportionment-related items. If you no longer wish to receive information via the PASE Listserv, please follow the instructions provided on the CDE web page located at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/#listserv. The same web page also provides information for anyone wanting to subscribe to the PASE Listserv.