ANNUAL NOTIFICATION: Non-Voter-Approved Debt Memo

Dear School Business Professionals,
Please find attached the updated annual notification of Public Disclosure of Non-Voter-Approved Debt information from our office. Please review this information and use this as a guide should the district consider obtaining Non-Voter-Approved Debt.
Thank you,
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Reminder-STRS-Exception to the 180-day waiting period to re-employ a retiree

Employment of a CalSTRS retiree in a CA Public School System before their mandatory 180-day wait period is over
*CalSTRS and CalPERS have different processes and required documentation*
Please note: Existing CalSTRS processes remain in place under COVID-19
Retirees of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) are subject to a 180-day wait period upon retirement before returning to work no sooner than the 181st day under limited conditions as a retired annuitant in the California public school system. There can be an a very narrow exception to this regulation.
Attached, please find CalSTRS Employer Directive 2021-03 Postretirement Earnings Limit and Disability Allowance Earnings Limit for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 Fiscal Years, and Disability Retirement Earnings Limit for the 2021 Calendar Year.
The directive reminds districts of the retiree earnings limitation which is $47,713 for the 2020-21 fiscal year and describes conditions and limitations retirees are subject to. The retiree earnings limitation increases to $48,428 for the 2021-22 fiscal year. Also included are the required steps to request an exemption from the mandatory 180-day waiting period before a retiree may return to work in a California public school.
To request an exemption from the mandatory 180-day waiting period, CalSTRS requires the district to provide:
* A resolution that includes specific information and findings. See attached Employer Directive, pages 4-6 for details. * The resolution must be approved by the district’s board (not placed on a consent agenda) before the member commences service. See attached Exemption to the Separation From Service Requirement, sample Resolution pages 3-4. * A completed Request for Separation-From-Service Requirement Exemption (SR 1897) form. See attached. * Reminder: If CalSTRS approves the “Separation-From-Service Requirement Exemption” the retiree remains subject to the retiree earnings limitation of $47,713 for 2020-21 and $48,428 for 2021-22. * Districts (not the County Office) submit required documents to CalSTRS for approval before the retiree returns to work. * Scan and submit documents to<> and list the member’s Client ID on the forms.
Please note, the most common reasons a request is denied:
* The member is not of normal retirement age when the service is to be performed (60 for a 2% at 60 member, 62 for a 2% at 62 member), or that the board resolution is missing an item as described in the Circular. Follow the sample resolution closely – the language should be no more and no less than provided in the sample. Including the retired member’s name in the resolution is helpful. * The board resolution must be passed before the member commences service, and all documentation must be received by CalSTRS prior to the member commencing service. The request does not have to be approved by CalSTRS prior to commencing service, but then the member runs the risk of denial and the compensation earned must be reported. * By law, STRS has 30 days to provide a determination. The employer may submit, but STRS cannot approve, a request prior to a retirement date entered in the STRS system.
Always check the CalSTRS website for the latest information and forms on this subject. For questions, please contact CalSTRS Postretirement at<> or leave a voicemail at 1-916-414-5967.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office

SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software -UPDATE

Please see the email correspondence below from the CDE regarding an issue with the SACS2021ALL software.
If you have any questions, please contact your DFA.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 3:54 PM To: sacswork <> Subject: [sacs-update] SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software -UPDATE
SACS SOFTWARE UPDATE We were made aware of a possible technical difficulty with posting the final 2021.2.0 version of the SACS2021ALL software. To ensure that you have the correct version installed, open the software, click on Help –> About SACS2021ALL…, and verify that it shows “Version 2021.2.0.” If you do not have the correct version installed, please uninstall and reinstall the SACS2021ALL software from the link found on the CDE Financial Reporting Software web page at As a reminder, export any data that exists in your SACS2021ALL software before uninstalling. Once the updated version has been installed, the data can be reimported. For a description of changes included in this release of the software, refer to the “What’s New” section of the software user guide. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding the SACS software or the Charter School Alternative Form, please contact us by email at<>. California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<>

SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software and Charter School Alternative Form Available for Download

Please see e-mail below from the CDE regarding the release of the SACS2021ALL software and the charter school Alternative Form.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 1:56 PM To: Nicole Evenson <> Subject: [sacs-update] SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software and Charter School Alternative Form Available for Download
This message is being sent to all county office SACS software contacts. Please distribute this information to the appropriate county office, district, JPA, and charter school staff.
In an effort to reach as many SACS software users as possible, this message is also being sent to our “sacs-update” mailing list, which is typically sent an email notification each time the SACS validation tables are updated.

The Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS2021ALL) financial reporting software for completing the 2021-22 budget and interim reports and the 2020-21 unaudited actual financial reports is now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Financial Reporting Software web page at Soon county offices, districts, JPAs, and charter schools will receive emails providing more detailed information about the SACS2021ALL software release, charter school financial reporting, and the unaudited actual data submissions.
The financial reporting calendars and SACS2021ALL Software User Guide are included in the SACS2021ALL software build. Upon installing the software with the default settings, the calendars and user guide will be copied to the subdirectory C:\SACS2021ALL\Calendars and Manuals. To download the software, please visit the CDE Financial Reporting Software web page at and follow the posted instructions.
There were a number of changes to the software this year, including revisions to incorporate changes to financial reporting for fiduciary activities as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 84 (GASB 84). For a description of the associated software changes, refer to the “What’s New” section of the software user guide.
Note that GASB 84 was originally effective beginning 2019-20. However, GASB recently announced that the implementation dates of several GASB statements, including GASB 84 and its implementation guide, may be postponed for one year. For GASB 84, the new effective date would be 2020-21.
Validation Tables: The SACS2021ALL software contains the most recent validation tables, dated June 11, 2021, which are the same as those posted to the CDE SACS Valid Codes and Combinations web page at To receive an email notification each time the validation tables are updated, please send a blank email message to<>.
The 2020-21 Charter School Unaudited Actuals Financial Report – Alternative Form and the related Charter School Alternative Form User Guide are also available for download. To download the Charter School Alternative Form, please visit the CDE Financial Reporting Software web page at and follow the posted instructions.
If you have questions regarding the SACS software or the Charter School Alternative Form, please contact us by email at<>.
California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<>

Arrears-Summer Savings and ACH-Direct Deposit timing

Reminder Summer Months and Direct Deposits
A reminder of what can take place with direct deposits during the summer months of June, July, and August. Although infrequent, the following circumstances can occur:
* An employee with the combination of:
* Paid on both a Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll during the same month, and * Newly ACH/Direct Deposit information input into the system
* Timing and results: * Activation of an ACH/Direct Deposit is usually a two-step process that takes place over two-months. * First month is a “pre-note” to validate a combination of banking institution and account data. * Second month is a live deposit of an employee’s paycheck into the designated bank account. * Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll processing takes place one day apart in June, July, and August. * This sets in motion the two-step activation of an ACH/Direct Deposit in two days, not two months if an employee is receiving payment on both payrolls and has new ACH/Direct Deposit data.
* Example of the outcome: * Production of the July Regular payroll occurs on Monday and production of the July Arrears/Summer Savings payroll takes place on Tuesday. * Timing to produce these back-to-back payrolls results in the employee receiving a paper check for the July Regular payroll and an ACH/Direct Deposit for the July Arrears/Summer Savings payroll.
Please be aware of these circumstances and results when inputting new ACH/Direct Deposit information for an employee paid on both a Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll during the same month.
For questions about payroll ACH/Direct Deposits, please contact Richard Weger at<> or 805-964-4711 x 5242.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Reminder-July Supplemental Payroll closes July 6 at Noon

Reminder July Supplemental Payroll Closes promptly at 12 p.m.(Noon) on July 6
* Payroll production for the July Supplemental will begin without delay on Tuesday, July 6, at Noon. * Following the scheduled deadline allows for sufficient time to complete all steps necessary to issue payroll on time. * Please plan accordingly to input data, resolve all errors, and submit your payroll before or by Noon on July 6. * Reminder: Payroll production takes place for all organizations at the same time. If one organization has a payroll processing error, this halts production for all districts and charters using the payroll module. This is why it is important to audit and resolve all errors as data is input into the system instead of waiting until the last minute. * Reminder: All payments made on the July Supplemental Payroll automatically accrue to the prior year.
For questions about the July Supplemental payroll, please contact:
* Myron Porter<> 805-964-4711 x 5280
* Staci Hunter<> 805-964-4711 x 5254
* Richard Weger<> 805-964-4711 x 5242
* Sheng Xiong<> 805-964-4711 x 5252
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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