Certification of the Second Quarter Apportionment for the Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2020–21

Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see the email below from the CDE regarding: Certification of the Second Quarter Apportionment for the Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2020–21.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 9:23 AM To: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Subject: Certification of the Second Quarter Apportionment for the Education Protection Account, Fiscal Year 2020–21
The 2020–21 Second Quarter Apportionment for the Education Protection Account (EPA) has been certified. The EPA entitlement schedule and apportionment letter are now available on the California Department of Education website at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/epa2021.asp.
County treasurers are estimated to receive warrants for this apportionment on December 22, 2020, and county offices of education should advise school districts and charter schools immediately of this apportionment.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our office email at PASE@cde.ca.gov<mailto:PASE@cde.ca.gov>.
Thank you.
Principal Apportionment Section School Fiscal Services Division

SBO MEETING FOLLOWUP: Links from SoCalGas information from last week’s SBO Meeting Presentation

Dear School Business Officials,
Please see links below and contact information from our presenters from SoCalGas from last week’s SBO Meeting Presentation.
Thank You.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: Dave Cross <dave@santamaria.com> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2020 2:38 PM To: Denice Cora <dcora@sbceo.org>; Lawler, Jeff S <JLawler2@socalgas.com> Subject: SoCalGas follow up information from today’s meeting
Good afternoon, Denice,
Thank you for the opportunity to speak at today’s meeting. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to get the word out on SoCalGas programs and rebates.
Here is the information to forward to the group:
SoCalGas Business Rebates (50% Kicker until the end of 2020): www.socalgas.com/save-money-and-energy/rebates-and-incentives Pool Heater List: www.socalgas.com/pool-heater-list Food Service Equipment Center/ Educational Opportunities: www.socalgas.com/for-your-business/education-and-training/food-service-equipment-center
SoCalGas Contacts: www.socalgas.com/about-us/contact-us Jeff Lawler, Program Manager, jlawler2@socalgas.com<mailto:jlawler2@socalgas.com> (213) 576-9328 Frank Mateo, Account Executive, fmateo@socalgas.com<mailto:fmateo@socalgas.com> (805) 625-2299
Also, we are putting together a list of contacts for future energy efficiency webinars in early 2021. If you or anyone else is your school district would like to learn more about these opportunities, please forward your contact information to jlawler2@socalgas.com<mailto:jlawler2@socalgas.com> .
Again, thank you.
Dave Cross Program Manager Santa Barbara County Energy Watch Partnership & RMDZ Program Mobile: (805) 680-5016 Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce (805) 925-2403

Posts from Blog – Escape Technology for 12/10/2020

View this email in your browser<us11.campaign-archive.com/?e=6df5dd185d&u=bc0a4d64130dd165c8e2c227d&id=fcf9d05d13> [https://mcusercontent.com/bc0a4d64130dd165c8e2c227d/images/c8e37a9f-591a-4c9b-9184-e174bf32b48e.png] Excerpts: Announcing Escape Online Release 20.04<technology.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bc0a4d64130dd165c8e2c227d&id=d663699b4a&e=6df5dd185d> Escape Online, Release 20.04 is now available. Per customer requests, this release is focused almost solely on the regulatory changes necessary for State and Federal taxes and Federal ACA reporting. This means you can test and install the release quickly, allowing users more time to work their lists and send out the forms in a more relaxed manner. [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55311ffee4b0d019cecf9371/1606236035354-W5E6GER6DVVCXFEGCSVZ/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kDSqPdurk4A6w5wetc1wL_0UqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKcA_RFWbCGRD8u4veA-OtjF] As expected, all forms and reports have been updated to the current year. You can see there were changes for every form, and even a new form for 1099s. With such targeted changes, there will not be a release review. Instead, Terri will be hosting separate W2, ACA, and 1099 webinars. Sign up now! Register Now!<technology.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bc0a4d64130dd165c8e2c227d&id=eae8dc44cc&e=6df5dd185d> Important Notes About Taxes:
* The 2021 tax tables will be released in a patch as soon as the State and Federal taxes are confirmed. * The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is still finalizing the California Individual Mandate MEC reporting process. We are working closely with the FTB and will release the changes in a patch as soon as the regulations and development are finalized. (These files are not due until March 31, with the FTB considering an extension at this time.) To hear about every change in Release 20.04, read the Release Notes available from the Featured Articles section on the Home page of the documentation.
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First Apportionment for the Learning Loss Mitigation Funding, GEER Fund, Fiscal Year 2020–21

Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see the email below from the CDE regarding: First Apportionment for the Learning Loss Mitigation Funding, GEER Fund, Fiscal Year 2020–21
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 11:08 AM To: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Subject: First Apportionment for the Learning Loss Mitigation Funding, GEER Fund, Fiscal Year 2020–21
The purpose of this email is to notify you that the California Department of Education (CDE) has sent an apportionment to the State Controller’s Office for payment. This apportionment, in the amount of $99,162,847, is made from federal funds provided to the state under CARES Act, Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund, Section 18002 (Public Law 116–36), and pursuant to Section 110 of Senate Bill (SB) 98 (Chapter 24, 2020), as amended by SB 820 (Chapter 110, Statutes of 2020). The Learning Loss Mitigation Funding may be used to support individuals served by local educational agencies, including, but not limited to, those enrolled in a childcare program, California state preschool program, kindergarten, any of grades one to twelve, inclusive, and adult education programs.
For more information about this apportionment, please go to the CDE Categorical Programs web page at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/ca/learningloss.asp where the letter and schedule for this apportionment are posted.
If you have additional questions regarding this apportionment, please contact Julie Klein Briggs, Fiscal Consultant, Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by email at JBriggs@cde.ca.gov<mailto:JBriggs@cde.ca.gov>.

Escape Production System updated

Hello all,

Please take note, as of 12/8/2020 . . .

…we have updated Escape Production to v20.04 Regulatory

* 1099 Processing – The 2020 1099 snapshots, reports, and forms have been updated to the current year. In addition, the logic for processing 1099s has been updated to correctly attribute amounts to the appropriate form: 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC.
* ACA Processing – The 2020 ACA snapshot and report have been updated to the current year IRS regulations. The 1095-C has been updated to comply with the new requirements for ‘Age on January 1’, Employee Zip Code, and Plan Start Month.

* W2 Processing – The 2020 W2 snapshot, report, and form have been updated to the current year. In addition, if an employee has more than four Box 12 or 14 categories, a second W2 will be printed automatically.
While in Escape, click on Online Resources>Release Information>Escape Online 20.04 Release Notes to review this release.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Second Apportionment, Title I, Part A, Fiscal Year 2020–21

Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see the email below from the CDE regarding: Second Apportionment, Title I, Part A, Fiscal Year 2020–21.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 2:27 PM To: CDEfisc <CDEfisc@cde.ca.gov> Subject: Second Apportionment, Title I, Part A, Fiscal Year 2020–21
The purpose of this email is to notify you that the California Department of Education (CDE) has sent an apportionment to the State Controller’s Office for payment. This apportionment, in the amount of $392,903,982, is made from federal funds provided to the state under Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Please note revised Title I, Part A allocation amounts for all local educational agencies have been posted. For more information about this apportionment, please visit the CDE Funding Results web page at www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/title1pa20result.asp. If you have any questions regarding this apportionment, please contact Leslie Sharp, Fiscal Consultant, Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office, by email at lsharp@cde.ca.gov<mailto:lsharp@cde.ca.gov>.