Dear School Business Professionals,
Please find attached the Auditor Selection Fillable Form that was supposed to be sent with the previous communication entitled Annual Financial Audit Contract.
Thank you,
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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ACTION ITEM – DUE MAR 31: Annual Financial Audit Contract
Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see communication below and the form attached for details regarding completing the information for the audit contract. This is due to our office no later than Mar. 31.
Thank you,
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program for the 2021–22 School Year, Required Reporting by April 1, 2021
Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see the email below from the CDE regarding: Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program for the 2021–22 School Year, Required Reporting by April 1, 2021.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: CDEfisc <> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 4:30 PM To: CDEfisc <> Subject: Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program for the 2021–22 School Year, Required Reporting by April 1, 2021
Please forward this email to the school districts in your county. School districts and county offices of education that elected to participate in the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program (CSESAP) for the 2021–22 school year must notify the California Department of Education (CDE) of this election by April 1, 2021. The web-based reporting application to make this notification will open on March 1 and is available on CDE’s CSESAP web page at: If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolutions Office, by email at<>.
ACTION DUE: Financial Audit Report
Dear School Business Professionals,
Please find attached important information regarding the district’s Financial Audit Report and timelines for this year for submission. Note that for this year only some timelines have been extended.
Thank you.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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SACS Validation Tables Update Notification – February 19, 2021
Good Afternoon, Please see e-mail correspondence below from CDE. The SACS Validation tables have been updated to include the new ESSER II resource code 3212 and Child Development: CARES Act General Child Care and Development. SACS software users will need to follow the instructions below to update their SACS software. The validation tables and routine should be completed before the Second Interim as the update will prevent Technical Review Checks if the district is using the new resource codes. If you have any questions, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 3:02 PM To: sacswork <> Subject: [sacs-update] SACS Validation Tables Update Notification – February 19, 2021
Updates for Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) validation tables, spreadsheets, and related files have been posted on the Internet. They can be downloaded from: Updating the SACS software with the latest validation tables is a three-step process:
1. Download the vtables.exe zipped file to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder. 2. Unzip the vtables.exe file to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder. 3. Run the Update Validation routine in the SACS software to replace the existing tables with the updated tables. For more detailed information on updating the SACS software, please refer to our web page: Attached to this email are two Microsoft Word documents, both summarizing changes to the validation tables. One document lists the affected combinations and their start and end dates; the other document contains more descriptive information. These two documents will also be copied to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder when the vtables.exe file is unzipped. We would appreciate feedback regarding the usefulness of the information contained in these zip files. Thank you. California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<> 916-322-1770
Common Message – 2nd Interim 2020-21 Final w/Remarks Removed
Dear School Business Officials,
Please see an updated version of the Common Message for Second Interim attached. Note that this new copy has had extraneous remarks removed. Please use this version as you prepare your Second Interim Budget.
Thank you,
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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