Dear School Business Professionals,
Please read through the Second Interim Report information included in this communication for budget updates and details. In this email you will find…
* SBCEO Second Interim Report and Submission Checklist (attached) * BASC Common Message – 2020-21 Second Interim (attached) * SSC 2020-21 Second Interim Report Considerations (attached)
We hope you find this information useful as you embark on preparing your Interim Budget report. If you have any questions, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
Note: This message was sent on behalf of the School Business Advisory Services Team. Please do not respond to this message. Replies will be routed to an unmonitored mailbox.
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Dear School Business Professionals,
You are invited to participate in the upcoming district LCAP training scheduled for February 10 from 9 a.m. to noon. To register open the attached flyer and click on the link.
Looking forward to seeing you at the training!
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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SACS Validation Tables Update Notification – January 29, 2021
Please see CDE correspondence below regarding an update to the SACS validation tables. If you have any questions, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 2:11 PM To: sacswork <> Subject: [sacs-update] SACS Validation Tables Update Notification – January 29, 2021
Updates for Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) validation tables, spreadsheets, and related files have been posted on the Internet. They can be downloaded from: Updating the SACS software with the latest validation tables is a three-step process:
1. Download the vtables.exe zipped file to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder. 2. Unzip the vtables.exe file to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder. 3. Run the Update Validation routine in the SACS software to replace the existing tables with the updated tables. For more detailed information on updating the SACS software, please refer to our web page: Attached to this email are two Microsoft Word documents, both summarizing changes to the validation tables. One document lists the affected combinations and their start and end dates; the other document contains more descriptive information. These two documents will also be copied to your C:\SACS2020ALL\Update folder when the vtables.exe file is unzipped. We would appreciate feedback regarding the usefulness of the information contained in these zip files. Thank you. California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<> 916-322-1770
Annual Performance Report – ESSER and GEER
Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see communication below regarding Annual Performance Report for ESSER and GEER.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: CARES Act <<>> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 3:31 PM Subject: Annual Performance Report – ESSER and GEER
January 26, 2020
Dear Elementary and Secondary School Relief (ESSER) fund and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund recipients,
Annual Performance Report – ESSER and GEER
As a requirement of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the California Department of Education (CDE) must submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) for the ESSER and GEER expenditures. This report must include local education agency (LEA) expenditures from March 13 through September 30, 2020.
The expenditure reporting is similar to the CDE CARES Act Reporting Application, but also requires LEAs to note any full-time equivalent (FTE) positions created from the GEER and ESSER funds. LEAs will also be required to report on any ESSER Reserve funds they may have received for additional meal reimbursement. Additionally, LEAs must report on the amount of GEER/ESSER funds expended for equitable services to non-public schools. The CDE has used previous quarterly reporting to ensure that this reporting is as streamlined as possible.
The APR is available in the CARES Act Reporting System which can be found on the CDE CARES Act Funding webpage at The APR is due by Monday, February 1 at 8:00 A.M. LEAs will login with their normal CARES Act Reporting passwords.
Also, to provide as much assistance to LEAs as possible, the CDE has created an Annual Reporting Help webpage: We encourage LEAs to use this as a resource to help them in completing the APR.
Please email the CDE CARES Act Team at<> if you have any questions.
The CDE appreciates the work of our LEA partners in reporting these funds.
The CDE CARES Act Team
NEW VERSION: LCFF Calculator Version 21.2a is now available
Dear School Business Professionals,
Please see information below about the FCMAT LCFF Calculator. Districts should use this updated version for updating budget information.
Thank you.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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LCFF Calculator Version 21.2a of the LCFF Calculator is now available for use. This version includes:
The revised rates are as follows:
20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24
0.00% 3.84% 2.98% 3.05%
Note: The funded COLA for 21-22 of 3.84% is derived from a 2.31% increase to first increase the 20-21 rates, (an increase that was not and will not be funded for 2020-21) and an estimated increase of 1.5% for 2021-22. There is NO impact on 2020-21 rates.
It is recommended that all LEAs download and use the new version of the calculator. To download the latest version, please visit:
If you have any questions or experience any issues, please submit a ticket to the FCMAT Help Desk at: When submitting your question or concern, please attach a copy of your calculator to aid FCMAT in providing the best possible response.
Please do not respond to this email. The FCMAT LCFF Calculator listserv is announcement based and cannot accept responses. FCMAT CBO listservs are not monitored for LCFF Calculator support questions. Please submit any questions or concerns through the FCMAT help desk link above.
If you wish to subscribe to the FCMAT LCFF Calculator listserv, please visit our website at:
———- LCFF-CALCULATOR Listserv Policies<> Unsubscribe me<> from the LCFF-CALCULATOR Listserv. Contact FCMAT if you have questions or concerns<>.
Payroll Rate & Limits 2021
Attached is the updated Payroll Rates & Limits for 2021.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office