Dear School Business Officials,
The California state budget was signed by the governor on Monday, June 27, 2022, which means that Education Code Section 42127(i)(4) is now in effect. This means that the district needs to update its budget and present the revisions to the board within 45 days which is Thursday, Aug. 11. In the past, we have sent a 45-Day Budget Revision memo to the business listserv as a reminder with the timeline for submitting the updated budget information to our office. Going forward, we are pleased to notify you that this information is included on our website here<>.
ACTION –> 45-Day Budget Revision Survey<> <-- click here Please note that the "Common Message" is currently being developed and is estimated to be released on July 22. When it arrives, we will post it on the webpage for consideration in revising your district's budget. In addition, an updated FCMAT LCFF Calculator<> is scheduled to be released in July with changes from the Enacted Budget. This calculator should be used to run new LCFF projections and assess the impact on the budget, even if you do not plan to present a 45-day revision to the board. Please visit the website periodically to check for updates on the availability of these items – we will post as soon as we receive them.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
Thank you.
Denice Cora Administrator, School Business Advisory Services Santa Barbara County Education Office (805) 964-4710 x5237
Visit our new website:<>
The California state budget was signed by the governor on Monday, June 27, 2022, which means that Education Code Section 42127(i)(4) is now in effect. This means that the district needs to update its budget and present the revisions to the board within 45 days which is Thursday, Aug. 11. In the past, we have sent a 45-Day Budget Revision memo to the business listserv as a reminder with the timeline for submitting the updated budget information to our office. Going forward, we are pleased to notify you that this information is included on our website here<>.
ACTION –> 45-Day Budget Revision Survey<> <-- click here Please note that the "Common Message" is currently being developed and is estimated to be released on July 22. When it arrives, we will post it on the webpage for consideration in revising your district's budget. In addition, an updated FCMAT LCFF Calculator<> is scheduled to be released in July with changes from the Enacted Budget. This calculator should be used to run new LCFF projections and assess the impact on the budget, even if you do not plan to present a 45-day revision to the board. Please visit the website periodically to check for updates on the availability of these items – we will post as soon as we receive them.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
Thank you.
Denice Cora Administrator, School Business Advisory Services Santa Barbara County Education Office (805) 964-4710 x5237
Visit our new website:<>