Education Workforce Housing in Santa Barbara County

Dear School Business Officials,
In partnership with the Santa Barbara County School Boards Association (SBCSBA), the Santa Barbara County Education Office is hosting an online panel discussion on education workforce housing in Santa Barbara County, on Monday, September 23, 2024, from 6-7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please see the information below and the flyer attached. On behalf of the SBCSBA, we will also send this information out to school board members.
If you have any questions about this event, please email the SBCEO Communications Department at<>.
Education Workforce Housing in Santa Barbara County An Online Panel Discussion hosted by the Santa Barbara County School Boards Association in partnership with the Santa Barbara County Education Office
Date: Monday, September 23, 2024, 6-7:30 pm Register to join via Zoom: LINK <>Target Audience: Superintendents, school board members, education leaders in finance, facilities, operations, and other designated staff. Please share this opportunity with the relevant team members in your agency.
* Rob Fredericks, Executive Director/CEO at Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara
* Bob Havlicek, Executive Director, Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara
* Greg Francis, California School Boards Association<>
* Emmanuel Proussaloglou, CityLab-UCLA <>
* Sara Hinkley, Centers for Cities + Schools-UC Berkeley<>
* Examine general development processes and considerations that impact school districts’ workforce housing.
* Review common funding mechanisms and affordability requirements.
* Learn about common milestones for a project, timelines, pitfalls, and roadblocks.
* Hear from school district leaders in SB County, including Clara Finneran (Lompoc Unified) and Hilda Maldonado (Santa Barbara Unified), who are navigating workforce housing projects.
* Receive contact information and resources for ongoing discussions and considerations by district teams.
Other upcoming opportunities to explore education workforce housing: The California School Boards Association, in partnership with CityLab-UCLA and Centers for Cities + Schools-UC Berkeley, will host an Education Workforce Housing Workshop Series in 2025 for a limited number of LEAs.
* Applications will be open Sept. 3 – 18, 2024 * Please reference the following resources for information on how to apply to the series: video | presentation deck<> * Questions? Email:<> * Other resources from CSBA on Education Workforce Housing<>
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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