SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software and Charter School Alternative Form Available for Download

Please see e-mail below from the CDE regarding the release of the SACS2021ALL software and the charter school Alternative Form.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 1:56 PM To: Nicole Evenson <> Subject: [sacs-update] SACS2021ALL Financial Reporting Software and Charter School Alternative Form Available for Download
This message is being sent to all county office SACS software contacts. Please distribute this information to the appropriate county office, district, JPA, and charter school staff.
In an effort to reach as many SACS software users as possible, this message is also being sent to our “sacs-update” mailing list, which is typically sent an email notification each time the SACS validation tables are updated.

The Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS2021ALL) financial reporting software for completing the 2021-22 budget and interim reports and the 2020-21 unaudited actual financial reports is now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Financial Reporting Software web page at Soon county offices, districts, JPAs, and charter schools will receive emails providing more detailed information about the SACS2021ALL software release, charter school financial reporting, and the unaudited actual data submissions.
The financial reporting calendars and SACS2021ALL Software User Guide are included in the SACS2021ALL software build. Upon installing the software with the default settings, the calendars and user guide will be copied to the subdirectory C:\SACS2021ALL\Calendars and Manuals. To download the software, please visit the CDE Financial Reporting Software web page at and follow the posted instructions.
There were a number of changes to the software this year, including revisions to incorporate changes to financial reporting for fiduciary activities as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 84 (GASB 84). For a description of the associated software changes, refer to the “What’s New” section of the software user guide.
Note that GASB 84 was originally effective beginning 2019-20. However, GASB recently announced that the implementation dates of several GASB statements, including GASB 84 and its implementation guide, may be postponed for one year. For GASB 84, the new effective date would be 2020-21.
Validation Tables: The SACS2021ALL software contains the most recent validation tables, dated June 11, 2021, which are the same as those posted to the CDE SACS Valid Codes and Combinations web page at To receive an email notification each time the validation tables are updated, please send a blank email message to<>.
The 2020-21 Charter School Unaudited Actuals Financial Report – Alternative Form and the related Charter School Alternative Form User Guide are also available for download. To download the Charter School Alternative Form, please visit the CDE Financial Reporting Software web page at and follow the posted instructions.
If you have questions regarding the SACS software or the Charter School Alternative Form, please contact us by email at<>.
California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<>