Overview of Services

[Text, whiteboard Description automatically generated]Overview of Services<www.sbceo.org/domain/275>
As we shared at the SBO meeting yesterday, SBAS provides a variety of business-related services and support to school districts, charter schools, and community colleges in Santa Barbara County. We have launched a new webpage that highlights some of the services we provide, featuring:
* Overview of SBAS Services
* [A red and blue logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence] SISC JPA Information
* SISC II (Property and Liability) JPA Board Meeting Minutes * SISC III (Health Benefits) JPA Board Meeting Minutes

* CCSESA – BASC Information

* Facts and Figures

* External Resources
Please let us know what other resources you would find helpful to include on our website!
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:sbasfinance@sbceo.org?subject=Unsubscribe>.

(!) Attendance Reporting Reminder – PADC Web Application Release

[A picture containing text, electronics, computer, display Description automatically generated]Attendance Reporting Reminder: Certified P-1 Attendance Reports are due to our office no later than Monday, Jan. 10, 2022.

Attendance Screens in the new the Principal Apportionment Data Collection Web Application<pas.cde.ca.gov/> are now available for reporting to the CDE…
Beginning in fiscal year 2021-22, LEAs must report data using the NEW Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Web Application<www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/index.asp>, which replaced the PADC desktop software.
* What is PADC?…The PADC Software is used by LEAs to report pupil attendance and other data used to calculate funding for the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Special Education (AB 602).

* How does it work?…The PADC Web Application will allow each LEA to enter information, run validation checks (formerly check/save function), and certify data electronically. An automatic email notification will be sent to the COE Administrator once the LEA Administrator certifies. If revisions are needed, the COE Administrator can remove certification so that the screen is unlocked and the LEA can make changes. If no revisions are needed, the COE Administrator views and certifies the data electronically. Once both certifications are complete, data will transfer to CDE on the due date.

* To access to the new PADC Web Application…Contact your LEA’s PADC Administrator. If you do not know who your assigned LEA PADC Administrator is, please contact Jenelle Williams at 964-4710 ext. 5221.

* Available Resources/Tips…The PADC Webpage<www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/> contains a PADC User Manual Video tutorials. If you experience technical difficulties, please call the Principal Apportionment Section at 916-324-4541 or email PADC@cde.ca.gov<mailto:PADC@cde.ca.gov>. * Google Chrome is the recommended browser for full functionality of the PADC web application. * Read the User Manual thoroughly for step-by-step instructions and tips for specific data entry screens. * Make sure to save all data before navigating to the next record or tab within a data entry screen; verify all data saved correctly before validation and data certification. * The first time you sign into the system, it may take some time to load. Please sign out and then sign back in for a better user experience.
Important note: Corrections for fiscal years 2020-21 and prior should be submitted through the PADC desktop software. The desktop software can be downloaded from the PADC webpage<www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/>. Regards,
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:sbasfinance@sbceo.org?subject=Unsubscribe>

Annual Accounts Payable Schedules

[A red sign with white text Description automatically generated with medium confidence]Annual Accounts Payable Schedules<www.sbceo.org/domain/239>

[Calendar Description automatically generated with medium confidence]In lieu of sending modified accounts payable schedules prior to each holiday closure, we have created Annual Accounts Payable Schedules<www.sbceo.org/domain/239> that are now available on the SBAS Website (Purchasing > Accounts Payable Processing). Please submit your accounts payable backup according to these schedules. This will ensure that your payments are audited by SBAS and printed in time for your scheduled trucking day.
FYI…we are currently developing additional accounts payable and purchasing resources to support districts and will notify you as these new features become available. If you have any questions, try our NEW Ask SBAS…Live Online Web Chat<sbas.sbceo.org/docs/escapechat2.html> We are happy to assist!
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
Note: This message was sent on behalf of the School Business Advisory Services Team. Please do not respond to this message. Replies will be routed to an unmonitored mailbox.
Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:sbasfinance@sbceo.org?subject=Unsubscribe>.

SBO Meeting Agenda, Attachments, and Zoom Link

Dear School Business Officials,
We have posted the agenda and materials on our new Website<www.sbceo.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=177&ModuleInstanceID=5872&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=6267&PageID=1554> for the SBO Meeting tomorrow. When you click on the folder for the meeting, you will find the link to a SBO Padlet which contains all the meeting materials organized for your convenience.
The zoom link for the meeting is shown below:
Dec. 2, 2021 12:30 PM us02web.zoom.us/j/85312798770?pwd=dm84bnRRZU14amo4Ym9odGNTTGFLUT09 Meeting ID: 853 1279 8770 Passcode: Officials
Looking forward to seeing you then.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:sbasfinance@sbceo.org?subject=Unsubscribe>.

Financial Audit Report

[A picture containing text, businesscard, stationary, envelope Description automatically generated] Financial Audit Report – In lieu of sending our annual audit correspondence, we have created a new webpage on the SBAS website.
Education Code requires LEAs to file the annual financial audit report for the preceding fiscal year with the our office, the State Controller’s Office (SCO), and the California Department of Education (CDE) by Jan. 31, 2022 (extended from Dec. 15). Important information and resources regarding the district’s Financial Audit Report are now available on the SBAS Website<www.sbceo.org/Page/1737>, including:
* Annual Audit Timelines (please be aware that SB130 extended some of the 2020-21 audit timelines for the current year only) * Audit Report Filing * Audit Extensions (including a NEW Audit Extension Request Form) * District Board Review (including NEW Financial Audit Certification and Charter School Audit Review Forms) * Corrective Actions and Audit Adjustments * Audit Contract Requirements (including NEW Auditor Selection Form and Charter School Auditor Selection Form – Coming Soon)
This page will be updated throughout the year as additional information becomes available. Try our NEW Ask SBAS…Live Online Web Chat<sbas.sbceo.org/docs/escapechat2.html> if you have any questions. We are happy to assist!
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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2021-22 J-29 P-1 Property Tax

Good Morning,
Attached is the 2021-22 J-29 P-1 Property Tax Report. The information in this report may be helpful in generating First Interim reporting.
Please note that impound taxes were not included in this reporting period. Impound taxes are likely to be included in subsequent reporting periods.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Todd Humphreys at (805) 964-4711 x5372 or thumphreys@sbceo.org<mailto:thumphreys@sbceo.org>.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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