REMINDER – DUE TODAY 4 PM.: Federal Quarterly Stimulus Reporting

Dear School Business Officials,
We have been asked by CDE to remind the following districts that reporting deadline is by 4 p.m. today for the Federal Quarterly Stimulus Reporting.
We recognize that many districts are currently submitting these reports. The list below from the CDE includes districts that had not submitted reporting as of this morning. For ALL details for each district, please open the attached document and review the expanded list with the specifics.
Hopefully, this last-minute reminder is helpful for your organization.

School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Annual Notification – Commercial Warrant Audits

Good Morning,
Please see the attached Annual Notification – Commercial Warrant Audits.

Please note our office requires districts to provide itemized invoices and other backup documentation with items selected for audit. Please refer to the Accounts Payable Manual for additional details. The districts retain the legal duty for ensuring that all payments are legitimate obligations of the district, and maintaining the appropriate detailed records.
Thank you for keeping in mind the 5pm Submission Day schedule, for your individual district, as this is critical in making sure we have adequate time to audit, print and deliver your commercial warrants.
Please contact Todd Humphreys, Financial Systems Supervisor, with any questions that you may have at<> or 805-964-4711 x5372.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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2021-22 SBAS Month End Close Calendar

Dear School Business Professionals,
Attached is the 2021-22 SBAS Month End Close Calendar.
Please contact Todd Humphreys (<> or x5372) with any questions.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Reminder-PERS-Exception to the 180-day waiting period to re-employ a retiree

Employment of a CalPERS retiree in a CalPERS covered position before their mandatory 180-day wait period is over
*CalPERS and CalSTRS have different processes and required documentation*
Please Note: For information on the impact of COVID-19 refer to the attached CalPERS Circular – Governor’s Executive Order N-08-21 .
Retirees of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) are subject to a 180-day wait period upon retirement before returning to work no sooner than the 181st day under limited conditions as a retired annuitant in a CalPERS covered position. There can be an exception to this regulation.
If a district has a critical need for a CalPERS retiree to return to work before the retiree’s 180-day wait period is over, the steps outlined below should be followed:
Step 1 District The Santa Barbara County Education Office (SBCEO) requires the requesting district to pass a resolution and forward the document to School Business Advisory Services. The resolution should include:
* Robust and thorough documentation and solid explanations as to why it is necessary or critical for the retiree to return to work before the 180-day window period is over.

* The hiring circumstances, special knowledge, skills and expertise required of the individual, a salary schedule, and employment contract. Step 2 SBCEO CalPERS requires passage of a resolution by SBCEO with supporting documentation on behalf of a district to allow an exception.
* SBCEO prepares a resolution based on documents provided by the district and submits the resolution with supporting information to CalPERS. Step 3
CalPERS CalPERS completes a compliance review either approving or denying the request and sends their response to the SBCEO. The SBCEO forwards the response to the district.
Important Notes
* The retiree should not return to work until resolutions are passed and CalPERS gives approval.

* Retirees with a Golden Handshake or another type of retirement incentive do not qualify for this exception.
Contact Nicole Evenson (<> or 805-964-4711 x 5271) to coordinate proceedings, SBCEO and district board meeting dates, and required resolutions with supporting backup.
Before proceeding with the process for an exception to the 180-day wait period, refer to the latest version of the CalPERS Public Agency & Schools Reference Guide (see path below) for information including limitations, conditions, steps and sample resolutions. Some of this information is attached for convenience but should be checked for updates that may occur after this message was sent.
Pursuant to Gov. Code section 7522.56(d), retired annuitants returning to work temporarily in a CalPERS covered position are subject to a limitation of 960-hours per fiscal year. This limit applies to the total accumulated hours worked from all of the (not each) CalPERS employers the retiree may work for. However, under the Governor’s Executive Order N-08-21, the work hour limitation continues to be suspended until further notice.
For the latest information:
* Go to the CalPERS website<> * Go to the Employers tab. * Under Forms & Publications, locate and select the Public Agency & Schools Reference Guide, see example below. * Within the Guide, find the Employment of a Retiree section (listed in the table of contents) and read thoroughly the information regarding qualification, sample resolutions and steps to follow. Embedded in the Guide are links to Circular Letters, Checklists and Resolutions. * Reminder → CalPERS requires a resolution from the SBCEO for an exception on behalf of a district. The SBCEO requires a similar resolution from the requesting district. * Within the Employment of a Retiree section, look for the paragraph identified as Sample 180-Day Exception Resolutions (Schools), see example below. * Open the school resolution templates, read the instructions, and use the applicable extra help or vacant position resolution as a model. Warning: Do not change the language in the template. Doing so will delay the compliance review. * Resolution for G.C. sections 7522.56 & 21229 is for extra help * Resolution for G.C. sections 7522.56 & 21221(h) is for a vacant position
Go to Employment of a Retiree section From this paragraph, select “Sample Resolution Schools”

Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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PERS Compliance Webpage

Attached is CalPERS Circular Letter 200-041-21 New Compliance in Compensation Reporting Webpage. The new webpage has helpful information for employers to report accurate member compensation information in compliance with Public Employees’ Retirement Law.
* Compliance in Compensation Reporting:
* Special Compensation Reportability Table:
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Problem Identified in SACS2021ALL Software

Good Morning,
Please see an important message from the CDE below regarding an issue identified with the SACS2021ALL software. You will need to complete the fix outlined in the CDE e-mail in order to input the Unduplicated Pupil Count in Form SEMA. If you have any questions, please contact your DFA.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From: <> On Behalf Of SACSINFO Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2021 9:19 AM To: sacswork <> Subject: [sacs-update] Problem Identified in SACS2021ALL Software
This message is being sent to all county office of education (COE) SACS software contacts. Please distribute this information to the appropriate county office staff.
In an effort to reach as many SACS software users as possible, this message is also being sent to our “sacs-update” mailing list, which is typically sent an email notification each time the SACS validation tables are updated.
Problem: Form SEMA – Special Education MOE – Actual vs. Actual Comparison, LEA Exps CY tab, Unduplicated Pupil Count
Users Affected: All local educational agencies (LEAs)
Problem: The Unduplicated Pupil Count cell is locked and cannot be manually entered.
Fix: Save (do not open) the revised sema.vts template file<> (VTS; Revised 01-Jul-2021) to a temporary folder such as C:\SACS2021ALL\Temporary. Once saved, copy the file from the Temporary folder into your C:\SACS2021ALL\Templates folder. Upon copying the file to the Templates folder, a message may display that the file already exists; select Yes to overwrite the existing template file with the revised file. To verify that you have replaced the old file, the date of the new template file in your C:\SACS2021ALL\Templates folder should be the date downloaded.
We apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused. Please distribute this information to the appropriate county office staff. If you have any questions regarding this information or the SACS software in general, please send an e-mail to<>.
California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<>