Reminder: Yearly CalPERS Reporting of Out-of-Class Appointments (due July 30)

Mandatory CalPERS reporting Due July 30 Out-of-Class Appointments
As a reminder, CalPERS requires the online reporting of out-of-class appointment information by July 30. Otherwise, administrative fees and penalties may be assessed. CalPERS requires a response whether or not your district had any employees with an out-of-class appointment. CalPERS mails an annual employer notification of this requirement to school employers at their preferred address in myCalPERS during the month of June.
Instructions for completing Out-of-Class Reporting in myCalPERS are available here: myCalPERS Out-of-Class Reporting<>
Please be aware:
* Government Code §20480 defines an “out-of-class appointment” to mean an appointment to an upgraded position or higher classification by an employer or governing board or body due to a vacancy for a limited duration. * A “vacant position” refers to a position that is vacant during recruitment for a permanent appointment. * A “vacant position” does not refer to a position that is temporarily available due to another employee’s leave of absence.
For questions about this subject, please contact CalPERS at 888-225-7377 or Staci Hunter<> at 805-964-4711 x 5254.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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SACS Web System training for unaudited actuals, including the Alternative Form – July 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the SACS Web System. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office<>
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To assist local educational agencies (LEAs) with preparation of 2022–23 unaudited actuals, the CDE is offering SACS Web System training on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. via webinar. An overview of SACS Web System functionality and introduction to the Charter School Alternative Form will be covered.
Please register for the webinar using the following link:<;!!KlnUNGHvdQ!_1G4DaNZ4G72GgOrSWTniYHIbT1Q6IUIB1iHNPGyuaoR0in_YULU0P7SruSj3cOZ2qz2NEzsJ0iYIwmhpw$>
The CDE plans to record this training and post it to the CDE website.
Please pass this information along to other staff who may be interested but are not system users. If you have any questions please email<>.
Best regards,
SACS Web System Team
Financial Accountability and Information Services
School Fiscal Services Division
California Department of Education

STRS Reference Guides pursuant to Education Code section 22325 (Annual Notice)

CalSTRS Annual Notification to Employers of Resources pursuant to Education Code section 22325
In accordance with Education Code section 22325, CalSTRS, at least annually, identifies and provides Resources that interpret and clarify the applicability of creditable compensation and creditable service laws.
Attached are the new reference guides: Creditable Service Reference Guide and a Creditable Compensation Reference Guide.
Three current employer circulars, EIC21-5 Volume 37 Issue 5, EIC21-6 Volume 37 Issue 6, and EIC22-1 Volume 38 Issue 1 will also be designated as Resources.
They are available at as Resources pursuant to Education Code section 22325.
As a reminder, employers must stay informed of the law, changes in the law, revocations of Resources, new Resources and Resources that supersede a previous Resource.
If you have questions on the new reference guides, contact CalSTRS Employer Training Services at<>.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Reminder: Fiscal Year-End Leave Processing

Reminder Fiscal Year End Leave Processing Last day for input is July 11
As a reminder, we are nearing the last few days to input leave transactions for the prior year. Please see below for key dates:
* July 11 – Last day to input prior year Leave transactions. * July 12 – Last day to Roll Leave Balances forward into the new fiscal year. (Submit request by 4 p.m.) * July 13 – First day to Grant Leaves for the new fiscal year.
If needed, the Fiscal Year-End Leave Processing Overview document is attached for reference. The steps for closing out the prior fiscal year in preparation to roll balances into the new year are outlined in the document.
For questions about the process, please contact:
* Myron Porter<> 805-964-4711 x 5280
* John De Voto<> 805-964-4711 x 5241
* Staci Hunter<> 805-964-4711 x 5254
* Richard Weger<> 805-964-4711 x 5242
* Sheng Xiong<> 805-964-4711 x 5252
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office<>

SACS Web System 2022–23 Unaudited Actual Financial Reporting Functionality Available

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the SACS Web System. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office<>
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The 2022–23 unaudited actual financial reports, including both the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) reporting and the Charter School Unaudited Actuals Financial Report—Alternative Form (Charter School Alternative Form), are now available in the SACS Web-based Financial Reporting System (SACS Web System) at
NOTE: The Special Education maintenance of effort (SEMA and SEMB) and government-wide (CNVRT, DTERM, ENTRY, GSA, and GSNP) reports are not yet finalized. Please do not use these reports until CDE announces a system release update that includes the finalized reports. Completing these reports prior to notification from CDE may result in inaccurate reporting results.
This year CDE’s efforts were primarily focused on required changes, including financial reporting for subscription-based information technology arrangements as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 96, and continued refinement of the new web-based system. For a detailed description of the associated changes, please refer to the SACS Web System “What’s New” document posted on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at, under “Web Application Resources.”
The following is a list of recently found SACS Web System known issues and workarounds, if available:
1. To access the Charter School Alternative Form user guide, please download the “SACS Web System User Guide” posted on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at, under “Web Application Resources.”
Other SACS Web System known issues and available workarounds are posted in the Problems and Fixes section of News and Announcements, available on the user’s dashboard upon logging into the system. This section will be updated as additional issues arise.
The SACS Web System version has been updated to version 6. In order to clear the VERSION-CHECK technical review checks (TRCs) for 2023–24 Budget and 2022–23 End of Year Projection periods, users need to open and save all forms and internal form checks identified by this TRC, then re-run all the TRCs for all dataset types.
Issues resolved since the last SACS Web System release will be posted to the “Web Application Release Updates” section of the CDE Financial Reporting web page at in the near future.
Upon logging into the SACS Web System, users will set their context fiscal year to 2022–23 in order to access the 2022–23 unaudited actuals reporting period. The context fiscal year can be changed via the Fiscal Year drop down menu; it is located in the top right corner of the dashboard, below the user’s profile information.
Prior year ending balances from 2021–22 unaudited actuals (including funds, assets, debt, and lottery), Gann data, Every Student Succeeds Act Maintenance of Effort, and first and second prior year indirect cost rate information have been preloaded into the system, most of which will be used for unaudited actual reporting.
In addition, to the extent possible, general ledger Fund 01, Fund 10, and Fund 17, and attendance data from 2020–21 and 2021–22 unaudited actuals, as well as the California Basic Educational Data Systems (CBEDS) data, has been preloaded in the SACS Web System for use in the Criteria and Standards Review form.
The 2022–23 SACS Web System unaudited actuals release contains the most current validation tables, dated May 1, 2023, which are the same as those posted to the CDE SACS Valid Codes and Combinations web page at
To receive an email notification each time the validation tables are updated, please send a blank email message to<>.
The prior year ending fund balances from the Charter School Alternative Form have been cross walked to the equivalent SACS fund and object codes and included with the prior year ending fund balances from the SACS submissions, to ensure consistency of the data by ascertaining that current year beginning balances match prior year ending balances. This only affects charter schools that reported 2021–22 unaudited actuals in the Charter School Alternative Form and that are preparing a 2022–23 unaudited actuals report using the SACS format.
The online version of the SACS Web System User Guide is available throughout the SACS Web System reporting screens by clicking on the help (question mark) icon located next to a screen heading. The CDE has also published a Word version of the user guide, available on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at under “Web Application Resources.”
The Financial Reporting and Fiscal Oversight Calendars are available on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at under “Financial Reporting Resources.”
For those charter schools not using SACS, the 2022–23 Charter School Alternative Form is available in the SACS Web System. The related Charter School Alternative Form User Guide is available on the Financial Reporting web page at under “Web Application Resources.” For information about using the Charter School Alternative Form, please refer to the user guide.
Pursuant to Education Code sections 1628 and 42100, unaudited actual data for COEs, school districts, joint powers agencies (JPAs), and charter schools is due to the CDE by October 15, 2023. School district and JPA data must be submitted via the COE; charter school data must be submitted via the charter authorizing agency and the COE. The financial data is due to COEs and authorizing agencies (for charter schools) by September 15, 2023.
COEs must electronically certify and transfer their county’s 2022–23 unaudited actual SACS and Charter School Alternative Form submissions to the CDE via the SACS Web System.
Only “Official” status unaudited actual SACS and Charter School Alternative Form submissions are accepted unless prior approval from is granted by the CDE. If prior approval is granted, please send an email to the CDE explaining all fatal exceptions, the reason for not using the “Official” export, and the name of the CDE contact who granted the exception.
ATTENTION COEs ONLY: Additional communication will be forthcoming regarding how the COE can request the “Certify/Promote to CDE” role and how to complete the charter school reporting status.
To assist you in using new SACS account codes added since last year, any new codes will be included in the SACS Web System “What’s New” document under “Revised Fund Forms.”
Additional information and guidance on using SACS codes is available in the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM). The CSAM is available to be viewed, printed, or downloaded from the CDE Accounting Definitions, Instructions, & Procedures web page at In addition, descriptions and other relevant information on new resource codes established since the last CSAM update can be obtained from the CDE SACS web page at under “Program Codes.”
The CDE is planning to offer a training session on July 11, 2023 that will provide a refresher overview of the system and guidance for preparing the Charter School Alternative Form. Additional information will be provided in the near future.
If you have questions regarding the SACS Web System, please contact the CDE by email at<>.
SACS Web Team
California Department of Education
School Fiscal Services Division
Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services

ANNUAL NOTIFICATIONS: Non-Voter Approved Debt and Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements

Dear School Business Officials,
This is an annual reminder regarding the required public disclosures for Non-Voter Approved Debt and Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements. Information is included on our website year-round for your reference, including education and government codes, requirements, disclosure forms, articles, timelines, etc.
Please click on the following links for information related to these public disclosures:
* Non-Voter Approved Debt<> * Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements<>
If you need assistance in preparing any of these documents, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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