45-Day Budget Revisions Webpage and Survey (ACTION REQUIRED)

Dear School Business Officials,
The California state budget was signed by the governor on Tuesday, Jun. 27, 2023, which means that Education Code Section 42127(i)(4) is now in effect. This means that the district needs to update its budget and present the revisions to the board within 45 days, which is Friday, Aug. 11. In the past, we have sent a 45-Day Budget Revision memo to the business listserv as a reminder with the timeline for submitting the updated budget information to our office. This information is now included on our website here<www.sbceo.org/domain/256>.
ACTION: Please complete the 45-Day Budget Revision Survey<forms.office.com/r/5M5sYascn1> (Due July 31)
The “Common Message” is currently under development. When it arrives, we will post it on the webpage for consideration in revising your district’s budget. In addition, an updated FCMAT LCFF Calculator<www.fcmat.org/lcff> is scheduled to be released at the end of July with changes from the Enacted Budget. This calculator should be used to run new LCFF projections and assess the impact on the budget, even if you do not plan to present a 45-day revision to the board. Please visit the website periodically to check for updates on the availability of these items – we will post as soon as we receive them.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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2023-24 AP Processing Schedules & Month End Close Calendar

[Calendar Description automatically generated]Dear School Business Professionals,
In order to assist each district in planning for the new fiscal year (2023-24) we have updated our SBAS website calendars with the new 2023-24 Accounts Payable Processing Schedules<www.sbceo.org/Page/1689> and the 2023-24 Month End Close Calendar<www.sbceo.org/domain/267>.
Annually, we share information related to commercial warrant review services provided by SBCEO. Please review the information on our website<www.sbceo.org/domain/239> related to audit services provided by our office as well as district responsibilities.
If you have any questions, please contact Alejandro Baeza (805-964-4711 ext. 5372).
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
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P-Annual Attendance Reminder

[A picture containing text, electronics, computer, displayDescription automatically generated]Attendance Reporting Reminder: P-Annual Attendance Reports must be certified by the district no later than Friday, July 7, 2023.
Additionally, the system is open for data corrections for the 2022-23 P-2, 2021-22 P-2 and 2021-22 Annual reporting periods. Please be sure to select one of the following from the drop down when reporting data corrections:
* 2022-23 P-2 Correction for AN * 2021-22 P-2 Correction for AN R2 * 2021-22 AN Correction for AN R2
The PADC webpage<www.cde.ca.gov/fg/sf/pa/> provides pertinent information to assist local educational agencies in using the PADC Web Application. This includes the following items:
* PADC Web Application link * PADC Web Application User Manual * Calendar of data submission due dates by data entry screen * Known Issues and Tips
Questions about the deadlines or data submittals that are not addressed through the resources listed above should be directed by phone or email to the Principal Apportionment Section at the contact information below:
Principal Apportionment Section 916-324-4541
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
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Arrears-Summer Savings and ACH-Direct Deposit timing

Reminder Summer Months and Direct Deposits
A reminder of what can take place with direct deposits during the summer months of June, July, and August. Although infrequent, the following circumstances can occur:
* An employee with the combination of:
* Paid on both a Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll during the same month, and * Newly ACH/Direct Deposit information input into the system
* Timing and results: * Activation of an ACH/Direct Deposit is usually a two-step process that takes place over two-months. * First month is a “pre-note” to validate a combination of banking institution and account data. * Second month is a live deposit of an employee’s paycheck into the designated bank account. * Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll processing takes place one day apart in June, July, and August. * This sets in motion the two-step activation of an ACH/Direct Deposit in two days, not two months if an employee is receiving payment on both payrolls and has new ACH/Direct Deposit data.
* Example of the outcome: * Production of the July Regular payroll occurs on Tuesday and production of the July Arrears/Summer Savings payroll takes place on Wednesday. * Timing to produce these back-to-back payrolls results in the employee receiving a paper check for the July Regular payroll and an ACH/Direct Deposit for the July Arrears/Summer Savings payroll.
Please be aware of these circumstances and results when inputting new ACH/Direct Deposit information for an employee paid on both a Regular and Arrears/Summer Savings payroll during the same month.
For questions about payroll ACH/Direct Deposits, please contact Richard Weger at rweger@sbceo.org<mailto:rweger@sbceo.org> or 805-964-4711 x 5242.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Escape Unavailable June 19, Noon – 4:00 pm

Dear School Business Professionals,
SBCEO IT Services needs to perform system maintenance on Escape. To minimize the inconvenience to users, this work is planned to take place on the Juneteenth holiday, next Monday, June 19.
Escape would be unavailable from noon – 4 p.m. on Monday, June 19.
Please contact IT Services at 805-964-4710 ext. 5250 if you have any questions or concerns about the schedule for this work.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Visit our new website: www.sbceo.org/sbas<www.sbceo.org/sbas>
To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:sbasfinance@sbceo.org?subject=Unsubscribe>

Summer School – Options for payment

Attached, please find the Summer School – Options for payment document.
For questions about how to pay employees for summer school, please contact the Payroll Team.
Myron Porter mporter@sbceo.org<mailto:mporter@sbceo.org> 805-964-4711 x 5280 Staci Hunter shunter@sbceo.org<mailto:shunter@sbceo.org> 805-964-4711 x 5254 Richard Weger rweger@sbceo.org<mailto:rweger@sbceo.org> 805-964-4711 x 5242 Sheng Xiong sxiong@sbceo.org<mailto:sxiong@sbceo.org> 805-964-4711 x 5252
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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