10/15/24 SBO Meeting Materials

Hello School Business Professionals,
Thank you to those that were able to attend yesterday’s SBO meeting. Below is the link to the Padlet with the materials that were presented.
If you have any questions, please contact your District Financial Advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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1099 (NEC & MISC) Timeline, Reporting, Processing, and related information

1099s (NEC & MISC) Processing and Reporting _________________________________________________
SBAS uses the information districts enter in Escape to process 1099 Forms on behalf of districts and transmit electronic files to the IRS. Our office sends the printed 1099 Forms to districts for distribution to vendors. In order to assist districts in the preparation of 1099 Forms, the following information and sample forms are available on the SBAS Website<sbasweb.sbceo.org/purchasing/1099s> (will be updated with new information as available):
* Processing Timeline * TIN Matching * W-9s * 1099-NEC * 1099-MISC * 1099-Corrections * IRS Resources

Mark your calendars. CASBO 1099 training<my.casbo.org/s/community-event?id=a1YPn000001lI5lMAE> on 10/22/24 (registration closes 10/15) CASBO 1099 training<my.casbo.org/s/community-event?id=a1YPn000001lIybMAE> on 11/07/24 (registration closes 10/31) CASBO 1099 training<my.casbo.org/s/community-event?id=a1YPn000001lJUrMAM> on 11/21/24 (registration closes 11/14) CASBO 1099 training<my.casbo.org/s/community-event?id=a1YPn000001lJ6hMAE> on 12/03/24 (registration closes 11/22) CASBO 1099 training<my.casbo.org/s/community-event?id=a1YPn000001lK9BMAU> on 12/11/24 (registration closes 12/04)
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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CalSTRS Excess DB/DBS Contributions 2023-24

Annual Return of CalSTRS Excess DB/DBS Employee and Employer Contributions
Instructions and Overview

Annually, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) looks at all of a member’s reported compensation after the fiscal year is over. Compensation earned by a member that is greater than one year of service credit in the Defined Benefit (DB) Program is moved by CalSTRS to the Defined Benefit Supplement (DBS) Program. This action results in “excess contributions” paid by both the employer and employee because contribution rates for the DB and DBS Programs are different. www.calstrs.com/defined-benefit-supplement-program-faq

Each October, CalSTRS returns excess employee and employer contributions to the County Office for distribution to districts and their employees. CalSTRS also sends employee adjustment data that the County Office converts for posting into Escape for each district. To see the employee transactions posted for your district and to correct any errors, follow the path and instructions below:

* HR/Payroll – Employment – Additional Contrib/Deduction * Select the “List” Tab and “Open” * Choose the “Employees” Tab to see a listing of the applicable employees with a return of excess contributions. * No further action is necessary for these transactions. * The adjustment batch has been posted as part of the upload process performed by the County. * The adjustments apply to the October Regular payroll. * Select the “Errors” Tab (if no “Errors” Tab appears, there are no errors to review). * If there are employees listed in the Errors Tab it is most likely because the employees are no longer active in Escape. * Adjustments for this group of employees must be manually input by the district. Input data as deduction adjustments using Deduction I.D. “STRSECEE” to return the taxable income to the applicable employees. * For assistance on inputting these adjustments, please contact Sheng Xiong sxiong@sbceo.org<mailto:sxiong@sbceo.org>.

Employee deduction adjustments use monies held in the STRS Employee Trust Fund (9980) for the return of contributions.
* If your district would like a listing of the applicable employees in an Excel file, please contact Sheng Xiong at sxiong@sbceo.org<mailto:sxiong@sbceo.org>.

Employer contributions are transferred from the STRS Employer Trust Fund (9983) and placed into each district’s general fund as a lump sum.

Return of excess deductions/contributions
* See attached 2023-24 Totals – All Districts.pdf for a list of each applicable district and their respective employee and employer excess contribution refund amounts. * Refer to Journal Entry CT 25-00393 dated 10/14/2024 for Escape districts.
* The account coding is 01-0000-0-0000-0000-8699-000-0000-ADJS. * For non-Escape districts, please refer to Journal Entry CT 25-00392 dated 10/14/2024.

For questions about the return of CalSTRS excess contributions, please contact:

Sheng Xiong
Myron Porter

Overview of Excess Employee and Employer Contributions related to the DB and DBS Programs

* Annually, CalSTRS looks at all of a member’s reported compensation after the fiscal year is over. Compensation earned by a member that is greater than one year of service credit in the DB Program is moved to the DBS Program. This action results in “excess contributions” paid by both the employer and employee because the contribution rates for the DB and DBS Programs are different. * In September, CalSTRS notifies active members that have excess contributions with an online message of Retirement Progress Report in Special Messages. Members see this information while logged into their myCalSTRS account and may also select Services, then Excess Contributions to see the report. CalSTRS informs retirees with excess contributions by letter. * In October, excess employer and employee contributions for active members are returned to the County Office for distribution to employers. Employers are responsible for returning the contributions to their employees. * After the end of each quarter, any excess contributions accumulated for members who refund, retire, receive a disability benefit, or die are returned to the County Office and transferred to the employer for disbursement. * Interest is not paid on excess contributions as CalSTRS has no legal requirement or authority to pay interest on the return of excess contributions. * Returned pre-tax contributions are taxable income in the year employees receive them regardless of when the contributions were initially paid. * If there is an adjustment that reduces a member’s excess service credit from a prior year, employer or member contributions may be due back to CalSTRS. * January 2, 2001 * Moving of contributions into the DBS Program from the DB Program began. * No adjustments to contributions were necessary because the contribution rates for the DB and DBS programs were the same. * January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2010 * One-fourth of a member’s 8% DB retirement contributions were moved into the DBS program. * January 1, 2011 to present * DBS Program receives contribution funds based on: * Earnings in excess of one year of service credit. * Special limited term payments. * See CalSTRS Employer Information Circular on Creditable Compensation Regulations Effective Jan. 1, 2015 (Volume 30; Issue 5, Dec. 10, 2014). * July 1, 2014 to present * Contribution rates for the DB and DBS Programs are not the same. * This occurred with the passage of AB 1469, the CalSTRS 2014 Full Funding Plan<www.calstrs.com/plan-funding> (Ctrl + Click to connect to the link to see the plan). * More information on excess contributions can be found on the CalSTRS website. Type in “excess contributions” in the search box. * The attached CalSTRS Welcome to CalSTRS booklet, Welcome to CalSTRS 2024, page 9, provides an explanation of excess contributions to new members.


School Business Advisory Services Team
Santa Barbara County Education Office

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SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming School Business Official’s meeting on October 15 at Lompoc USD

Dear School Business Professionals,
Please SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming SBO Meeting Tuesday, October 15 at 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in person at Lompoc Unified School District 1301 N A St, Room P19 Lompoc. Please note there will NOT be a remote participation option.
The Agenda will be forthcoming as the date gets closer.
*Lunch will be provided by SBCEO the menu will be forthcoming as the date gets closer.*

School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Invitation to an Education Workforce Housing Online Panel Discussion on September 23, 2024

Dear School Business Officials,
We are reaching out to inform you that the Santa Barbara County Education Office is partnering with the Santa Barbara County School Board Association to host an Education Workforce Housing Online Panel Discussion on Monday, September 23, 2024. A portion of the panel will discuss the financing of workforce housing projects-an issue that directly impacts our school communities.
Event Details: Date: Monday, September 23, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Register to join via Zoom: LINK<us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAudumppz0oGtyGcrqrno-T7BOdSsGkFdSX>
This event is tailored for Superintendents, School Board members, education leaders in finance, facilities, operations, and other designated staff. Please feel free to share this invitation with the relevant team members in your agency who would benefit from this discussion.
* Rob Fredericks, Executive Director/CEO, Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara * Bob Havlicek, Executive Director, Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara * Greg Francis, California School Boards Association * Emmanuel Proussaloglou, CityLab-UCLA * Sara Hinkley, Centers for Cities + Schools-UC Berkeley Event Objectives:
* Examine general development processes and considerations that impact school districts’ workforce housing. * Review common funding mechanisms and affordability requirements. * Learn about common milestones for a project, timelines, pitfalls, and roadblocks. * Hear insights from school district leaders, including Clara Finneran (Lompoc Unified) and Hilda Maldonado (Santa Barbara Unified), who are currently navigating workforce housing projects. * Receive contact information and resources to support ongoing discussions and considerations for your district teams. As a School Business Official, your expertise and understanding are critical to navigating workforce housing discussions. We encourage you to be part of this important conversation.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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