Citrix Virtual Apps Warning message

Dear School Business Officials,
This morning, 9/20/2024, the warning message below has been appearing on all Escape user’s login screens:

SBCEO ITS has ensured that this message is innocuous and merely clerical. Please click OK and your Escape session will be undisturbed.
Staff is actively working to suppress the message.
If any issues do arise, please contact SBCEO ITS at (805) 964-4710 ext. 5250.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Attendance Reporting Reminder – 2024–25 Charter School 20 Day Attendance Report

Attendance Reporting Reminder: The FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data (submitted online) and the signed certification (emailed PDF file) are both due to our office no later than Thursday, October 24, 2024.
All FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data to report must be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Since these corrections require certification by our office, SBAS must receive them by Thursday, October 24, 2024 to allow time for review and processing.
CHARTER 20 DAY REPORT The fiscal year (FY) 2024–25 Charter 20 Day report, managed by the California Department of Education’s (CDE) School Fiscal Services Division, is now available on the CDE Charter 20 Day, FY 2024–25, web page at Pursuant to Education Code (EC) sections 47652 and 43505, a charter school that is new in FY 2024–25, and that received advance funding in September based on estimated enrollment data reported in the Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters (PENSEC) report, shall report to the CDE its attendance as of the 20th day of student instruction via the Charter 20 Day report web-based application. This data allows the department to adjust the amount of the charter school’s state aid Principal Apportionment special advances for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Education Protection Account (EPA). Payment of the adjusted LCFF State Aid Charter School Special Advance and second quarter EPA State Aid apportionments usually occurs in late December.
INSTRUCTIONS In addition to the following information, detailed Charter 20 Day Instructions are available at:
WHO SHOULD SUBMIT Pursuant to EC Section 47652, a Charter 20 Day report is required of charters that submitted a 2024–25 Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters (PENSEC) report under one of the following criteria:
* New charter schools in their first year of operation that commence instruction by September 30th, 2024. A charter is usually also considered new for LCFF and EPA funding if it is operating under a new charter number. * Continuing charter schools that are expanding to add one or more grade levels in FY 2024–25. If you wish to file the Charter 20 Day report but did not file the 2024–25 PENSEC, you may do so, but the charter school may need to be added to the Charter 20 Day software first (see QUESTIONS below).
FILING DEADLINES The FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data (submitted online) and the signed certification (emailed PDF file) are both due to the CDE by October 31, 2024. Certifications are considered complete only when they are fully signed by all parties with original, “wet” signatures. Be sure to allow time for all levels (e.g., charter, school district, county office of education) to review the data, sign, and submit the certification to the CDE by the deadline. Data or fully signed certifications received after the deadline may cause the charter school to wait until a later apportionment to receive state aid funding based on actual attendance data. PIN A personal identification number (PIN) is required to logon to the Charter 20 Day report. Use the same PIN as was provided to your charter school for use with the PENSEC report.
QUESTIONS Please send questions about the Charter 20 Day report, including if you need a PIN or wish to be added to the list of charters that may access the software, to<> and include your charter name, number, and 14-digit county-district-school (CDS) code. Note that requests to be added to the Charter 20 Day list must be received by the CDE no later than October 25, 2024. California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division 916-324-4541
Additional attendance information can be found on the Attendance Reporting<> webpage.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Attendance Reporting Reminder – 2024–25 Charter School 20 Day Attendance Report

Attendance Reporting Reminder: The FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data (submitted online) and the signed certification (emailed PDF file) are both due to our office no later than Thursday, October 24, 2024.
All FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data to report must be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Since these corrections require certification by our office, SBAS must receive them by Thursday, October 24, 2024 to allow time for review and processing.
CHARTER 20 DAY REPORT The fiscal year (FY) 2024–25 Charter 20 Day report, managed by the California Department of Education’s (CDE) School Fiscal Services Division, is now available on the CDE Charter 20 Day, FY 2024–25, web page at Pursuant to Education Code (EC) sections 47652 and 43505, a charter school that is new in FY 2024–25, and that received advance funding in September based on estimated enrollment data reported in the Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters (PENSEC) report, shall report to the CDE its attendance as of the 20th day of student instruction via the Charter 20 Day report web-based application. This data allows the department to adjust the amount of the charter school’s state aid Principal Apportionment special advances for Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Education Protection Account (EPA). Payment of the adjusted LCFF State Aid Charter School Special Advance and second quarter EPA State Aid apportionments usually occurs in late December.
INSTRUCTIONS In addition to the following information, detailed Charter 20 Day Instructions are available at:
WHO SHOULD SUBMIT Pursuant to EC Section 47652, a Charter 20 Day report is required of charters that submitted a 2024–25 Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters (PENSEC) report under one of the following criteria:
* New charter schools in their first year of operation that commence instruction by September 30th, 2024. A charter is usually also considered new for LCFF and EPA funding if it is operating under a new charter number. * Continuing charter schools that are expanding to add one or more grade levels in FY 2024–25. If you wish to file the Charter 20 Day report but did not file the 2024–25 PENSEC, you may do so, but the charter school may need to be added to the Charter 20 Day software first (see QUESTIONS below).
FILING DEADLINES The FY 2024–25 Charter 20 Day data (submitted online) and the signed certification (emailed PDF file) are both due to the CDE by October 31, 2024. Certifications are considered complete only when they are fully signed by all parties with original, “wet” signatures. Be sure to allow time for all levels (e.g., charter, school district, county office of education) to review the data, sign, and submit the certification to the CDE by the deadline. Data or fully signed certifications received after the deadline may cause the charter school to wait until a later apportionment to receive state aid funding based on actual attendance data. PIN A personal identification number (PIN) is required to logon to the Charter 20 Day report. Use the same PIN as was provided to your charter school for use with the PENSEC report.
QUESTIONS Please send questions about the Charter 20 Day report, including if you need a PIN or wish to be added to the list of charters that may access the software, to<> and include your charter name, number, and 14-digit county-district-school (CDS) code. Note that requests to be added to the Charter 20 Day list must be received by the CDE no later than October 25, 2024. California Department of Education School Fiscal Services Division 916-324-4541
Additional attendance information can be found on the Attendance Reporting<> webpage.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Attendance Reporting Reminder – CALPADS and Prior Year Corrections – DUE September 24

Attendance Reporting Reminder: All Audit Adjustments to CALPADS Data and Other Prior Year Corrections are due to our office no later than Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
All prior period corrections to reports of attendance must be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to be included with the 2024-25 First Principal (P-1) Apportionment. Since these corrections require certification by our office, SBAS must receive them by Tuesday, September 24, 2024, to allow time for review and processing. The corrections may not be reflected in the 2024-25 P-1 Apportionment if your district’s revised report date does not reach SBAS by the due date.
Prior year corrections include:
* Audit Adjustments to California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Data * For all local educational agencies (LEAs), an auditor’s letter of concurrence is required for all changes except a decrease in unduplicated pupil count. * Prior Year Corrections other than Audit Adjustments to CALPADS data * Corrections to data in the Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Web Application is only applicable to data reported in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 and after. Corrections to FY 2020-21 and prior must be done using the PADC desktop software, available for download on the PADC web page located at * For FYs 2021-22 and prior, average daily attendance (ADA) corrections must be greater than +/- 1 ADA in order to be processed. * For FYs 2022-23 and prior, increases in ADA and ADA movement between grade spans must be supported by an audit finding or auditor letter of concurrence. * Corrections for FYs 2019-20 and prior will be accepted only if the correction is the result of an audit exception as described in Education Code Section 41341(a)(2). Additionally, CDE’s authority to spend funds appropriated in the budget act expires after three years. Thus, any increases to claims for programs funded through budget acts prior to the Budget Act of 2022 (FY 2022-23) may not be funded.
For information on how to submit prior year corrections for 2021-22 and later, as well as how to enter data in the Audit Adjustments to CALPADS Data entry screen, please refer to the PADC User Manual on CDE’s PADC web page at
For information on how to submit corrections for years prior to 2021-22, please refer to the Data Reporting Instructions Manual for the PADC desktop software at the following link: Additional attendance information can be found on the Attendance Reporting<> webpage.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From today’s CEA meeting-hyperlinks

Good morning,
Below, please find the hyperlinks that were included in this morning’s CEA Update presentation.
* SACS User guide<> * FCMAT COE procedure’s manual Procedure 29 – CEA<> * Multiyear CEA Template<> * Single-Year CEA Template<> * Application for Exemption from the Required Expenditures for Classroom Teachers’ Salaries<> * CDE CEA Historical Data<> * J-90 Certificated Salaries & Benefits<>
Thank you for your feedback and participation.
Joshua Becerra Administrator, School Business Advisory Services Santa Barbara County Education Office 4400 Cathedral Oaks Road P. O. Box 6307 Santa Barbara, CA 93160-6307 Phone: (805) 964-4711, ext. 5237 Cell: (805) 698-6993 Fax: (805) 683-2482
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Today’s Current Expense of Education (CEA) attachments

Dear School Business Officials,
Please see the attachments for today’s CEA update zoom meeting. Hope to see you soon.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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