Attendance Reporting Reminder – CALPADS and Prior Year Corrections DUE FEBRUARY 23

Attendance Reporting Reminder: All Adjustments to CALPADS Data and Other Prior Year Corrections are due to our office no later than Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.
The PADC Web Application<> is now available for reporting prior year corrections.
All prior period corrections to reports of attendance must be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Friday, March 1, 2024 to be included with the Second Principal (P-2) Apportionment. Since these corrections require certification by our office, SBAS must receive them by Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 to allow time for review and processing. The corrections may not be reflected in the 2023-24 P-2 Apportionment if your district’s revised report data does not reach SBAS by the due date.
Prior year corrections include:
* Audit Adjustments to California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Data * For all local educational agencies (LEAs), an auditor’s letter of concurrence is required for all changes except a decrease in unduplicated pupil count. * Prior Year Corrections other than Audit Adjustments to CALPADS data * Corrections to data in the Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Web Application is only applicable to data reported in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 and after. Corrections to FY 2020-21 and prior must be done using the PADC desktop software, available for download on the PADC web page located at For FYs 2020-21 and prior, average daily attendance (ADA) corrections must be greater than +/- 1 ADA in order to be processed. * For FYs 2021-22 and prior, increases in ADA and ADA movement between grade spans must be supported by an audit finding or auditor letter of concurrence. * Corrections for FYs 2018-19 and prior will be accepted only if the correction is the result of an audit exception as described in Education Code Section 41341(a)(2). Additionally, CDE’s authority to spend funds appropriated in the budget act expires after three years. Thus, any increases to claims for programs funded through budget acts prior to the Budget Act of 2021 (FY 2021-22) may not be funded.
For information on how to submit prior year corrections for 2021-22 and later, as well as how to enter data in the Audit Adjustments to CALPADS Data entry screen, please refer to the PADC User Manual on CDE’s PADC web page at: For information on how to submit corrections for years prior to 2021-22, please refer to the Data Reporting Instructions Manual for the PADC desktop software at the following link: Additional attendance information can be found on the Attendance Reporting<> webpage.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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IMPORTANT: J-13A Request for Allowance of Attendance Due To Emergency Closure

Dear School Business Officials,
In response to severe winter storms, the governor signed the Proclamation of a State of Emergency<> to assist impacted communities throughout Southern California.
The Form J-13A, Request for Allowance of Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions is used to obtain approval of attendance and instructional time credit pursuant to Education Code (EC) Sections 41422, 46200, 46391, 46392 and California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5, Section 428. The forms, resources, and frequently asked questions are available on the J-13A website<>.
Please also find the attached document of J-13A reminders that was shared with Superintendents earlier today.
If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Finance Systems Supervisor, Alejandro Baeza at<> or 805-964-4710 x5372.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Second Interim Budget

[A picture containing text, businesscard, stationary, envelope Description automatically generated]Second Interim Budget<> – Updated information has been posted on our SBAS website.
Education Code requires districts to submit a Second Interim report to our office, which reflects the financial and budgetary status of the district for the period ending Jan. 31. The Second Interim Report must be approved by the district board no later than 45 days after the close of the report period, which is Mar. 18. The information you will need to complete your Second Interim Budget is available on the SBAS Interim Reports Webpage<>. Please continue to check the website as resources, like the Common Message, will be posted once information becomes available.
Reminder: Immediately following board approval, please route the budget in SACS by ‘Promoting to COE for Review’ and upload supporting documents using our SBAS Uploads<> webpage. Refer to our Interim Budget Submission Checklist<> for detailed instructions.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Second Interim Budget

[A picture containing text, businesscard, stationary, envelope Description automatically generated]Second Interim Budget<> – Updated information has been posted on our SBAS website.
Education Code requires districts to submit a Second Interim report to our office, which reflects the financial and budgetary status of the district for the period ending Jan. 31. The Second Interim Report must be approved by the district board no later than 45 days after the close of the report period, which is Mar. 18. The information you will need to complete your Second Interim Budget is available on the SBAS Interim Reports Webpage<>. Please continue to check the website as resources, like the Common Message, will be posted once information becomes available.
Reminder: Immediately following board approval, please route the budget in SACS by ‘Promoting to COE for Review’ and upload supporting documents using our SBAS Uploads<> webpage. Refer to our Interim Budget Submission Checklist<> for detailed instructions.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Bond Interest and Redemption

Bond Interest & Redemption
The Bond Interest and Redemption Funds budget is updated annually using information provided by the Santa Barbara County Auditor-Controller’s Office. This information should be used to update the districts’ Second Interim Budget Report.
The 2023-24 Bond Interest & Redemption Funds Budget,<> Escape Import Template, and Instructions are now available on the SBAS Website<>.
If you have any questions, please contact Finance Systems Supervisor, Alejandro Baeza,<> or 805-964-4710 x5372.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Systems Maintenance January 15, 2024

Scheduled Maintenance
Maintenance Begins Monday, Jan 15, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. Maintenance Ends Monday, Jan 15, 2024 – 10:00 p.m. Systems affected Escape
Although Escape will be available, there may be intermittent disconnects of which we advise to wait 10-15 minutes to reconnect.
If you have questions about the maintenance, please contact IT Services at 964-4710 ext. 5250. After hours hotline, call 964-4710 ext. 5203.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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