Air Travel Accident Insurance

Dear School Business Professionals,
Our office is pleased to again offer air travel accident insurance for the 2023-24 school year. Please take a moment and fill out the survey below and let us know if your school district will be participating or not.
Please complete the survey below by June 15.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office

CARS Opening/Title I Support

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding CARS Opening/Title I Support Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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As you are aware, the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) 2023 Winter Release has opened. For those local educational agencies that have Title I, Part A and/or Title I, Part D funding, our staff have developed and recorded a PowerPoint presentation to provide in-depth information to assist you with completing the required forms.
To access the webinar, select the following: Tips for Completing Title I, Part A & Part D Forms – 2023 Winter Release of the CARS/ConApp[External link opens in new window or tab.] (Video 2:02:45)
Or you can access by visiting our webpages at:
Title I, Part A – Title I: Improving Academic Achievement (CA Dept of Education)<>
Title I, Part D – Title I: Improving Academic Achievement (CA Dept of Education)<>
Additionally, the webinar allows you to easily identify which forms are most relevant to you as each transition provides a timestamp and link for easy access to each section.
I sincerely hope that you find this useful and please feel free to provide any comments or feedback to me concerning our webinar.
Carrie Lopes<>

PPIC Survey Opportunity

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding a PPIC Survey Opportunity. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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Please see below for a survey opportunity from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC):
Dear Educational Partners,
The California Department of Education is pleased to partner with the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of California, San Diego, to support schools and districts recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership is conducting a survey about education recovery strategies and challenges utilizing Federal/State Stimulus Funding Resources. The survey responses will help the state to develop policies and programs to support schools and districts in utilizing these funds.
Your participation in the survey is greatly appreciated. For additional information about the Education Recovery Survey, please refer to the attachment. If you have questions regarding the Education Recovery Survey, please contact Dr. Niu Gao, Project Director, PPIC, by email at<>.
Please do not respond to this email with questions. Please direct all of your questions to Dr. Niu Gao, Project Director, PPIC, by email at<>.

SACS Web System release update May 18, 2023

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the SACS Web System release update from May 18, 2023. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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A SACS Web System release update has been successfully deployed and tested.
The following is a list of the issues that were addressed with the latest release:
1. Form MYPI, End of Year Projection: lines E2a-E2c erroneously not pulling in the correct Fund 17, Objects 9750, 9789 and 9790 amounts 2. Form MYPI, End of Year Projection: Unrestricted tab, lines E2a-E2c erroneously not pulling in the correct Fund 17, Object 9750, 9789 and 9790 amounts. 3. Form 01CS, COE, Budget: Criterion 2C erroneously not extracting the correct LCFF revenue amount for the Prior Year and Budget Year. 4. Form 01CS, COE, Budget: Criterion 4B, the extracted amounts for total federal revenues, total other state revenues, and total local revenues are incorrect. 5. Form 01CS, COE, Budget: Criterion 4B, the First Prior Year and Budget Year, the extracted amounts for Books and Supplies and Services and Other Operating Expenditures are incorrect. 6. Form 01CS, JPA, Budget: Criterion 6B, the extracted amounts for total federal revenues, total other state revenues, and total local revenues are incorrect. 7. Form 01CS, JPA, Budget: Criterion 6B, the First Prior Year and Budget Year, the extracted amounts for Books and Supplies and Services and Other Operating Expenditures are incorrect. 8. Version History: When selecting Version History from the Left Navigation, the user is presented with an “Oops! Something went wrong” screen.
These system release update notes will also be made available on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at in the near future.
System Version Update
The SACS Web System version has been updated to version 5.1. In order to clear the VERSION-CHECK technical review checks (TRCs), users need to open and save all forms and internal form checks, then re-run all the TRCs for both budget and estimated actual data types.
Accessing The 2023–24 Budget Reporting Period
Upon logging into the SACS Web System, users will need to change their context fiscal year to 2023–24 in order to access the 2023–24 budget reporting period. The context fiscal year can be changed via the Fiscal Year drop down menu; it is located in the top right corner of the dashboard, below the user’s profile information.
User Guide
The online version of the SACS Web System User Guide is available throughout the SACS Web System reporting screens by clicking on the help icon (question mark) located next to a screen heading. The CDE has also published a Word version of the user guide, available on the CDE Financial Reporting web page at under Web Application Release Updates.
Tips for getting an official status dataset
As you complete your 2022–23 End of Year Projection and/or 2023–24 Budget reports, please follow these troubleshooting steps to get an official status dataset:
1. Follow the data processing sequence to ensure forms are opened and saved in the correct order. The data processing sequence is available in the online SACS User Guide here: Users should click on either “Budget and Unaudited Actuals” or “Interims” to access the applicable data processing sequence.
2. Open and save forms that may be affected by the release update, e.g., Form 01CS, Form MYPI.
3. Run the TRCs for all the data types, this includes
a. For 2022–23 End of Year Projection:
* Actuals to Date * Board Approved Operation Budget * Original Budget * Projected Totals
b. For 2023–24 Budget:
* Estimated Actuals * Budget
4. Ensure all required explanations are entered for Warning exceptions for all applicable data types. You must enter a text explanation. Do not enter a blank space.
We appreciate your patience as we implement updates to the system.
CDE SACS Web System Team
California Department of Education
School Fiscal Services Division
Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services<>

CRRSA Act Late Liquidation Update

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding an update on the CRRSA Act Late Liquidation. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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May 15, 2023
The California Department of Education (CDE) Federal Stimulus Team is providing an update regarding liquidation extension requests for the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act funds, including the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) II funds.
On Friday, May 5, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) released guidance that would allow states to submit applications on behalf of local educational agencies (LEAs) that are recipients of CRRSA Act funds to request an extension to the liquidation period for these funds. If approved, individual obligations could be liquidated for up to 18 months following the obligation deadline of September 30, 2023, for these funds.
The CDE is reviewing this guidance and developing a process to collect applications and any additional required documentation for these requests from LEAs as soon as possible. We will provide further information through our listserv as soon as this process is finalized.
As a note, this guidance does not change the obligation deadline for CRRSA Act funds. All expenditures must still be properly obligated by September 30, 2023, to be considered an allowable use of funds.
Additionally, please be aware that each request for an extension to the liquidation period will be reviewed individually, on a project-by-project basis. ED does not allow any blanket extensions at the LEA or state level.
ED has indicated that it intends this process to be for exceptional circumstances only, not as a general policy. As such, please be aware that not all applications will be approved, and LEAs should plan accordingly. Any obligations denied a liquidation extension would likely need to be transferred to an alternate, allowable funding source if the expenditure cannot be liquidated within the standard liquidation period. The CDE will provide additional guidance for completing and submitting applications as soon as possible. For more information regarding CRRSA Act funds, please see the CDE CRRSA Act Funding web page:

Thank you,
CDE Federal Stimulus Team

To receive updates on Federal Stimulus Funds, including reporting updates, please join our listserv by sending a blank email message to<>.