IMPORTANT: J-13A Request for Allowance of Attendance Due To Emergency Closure

Dear School Business Officials,
In response to severe winter storms, the governor signed Executive Order N-1-23<> to assist impacted communities throughout the state. We are sharing the email below which was sent to the superintendent and charter school director group to address school closures and/or material decreases in attendance.
Use Form J-13A to request approval for attendance and instructional time credit. You may file a J-13 waiver to hold the LEA harmless from the loss of LCFF funding based on attendance and state instructional time penalties if you were forced to close schools during the recent storm or if your schools remained open but attendance was reduced due to emergency conditions. For more guidance on the J-13A submittal and approval process, see the CDE’s Form J-13A <> web page and the email below.
Other considerations:
* If you had to close school early and were not able to remain open for at least the minimum instructional day<>, that day would not be considered a day of instruction, and that day would also need to be included on the Form J-13A.
* Work with district attendance personnel to accurately record student attendance for any school closure days<>. To prevent school closure from reducing ADA, districts should deduct approved emergency days from the days in the reporting period divisor when calculating the ADA of the school that was closed. Refer to MANAGEMENT ADVISORY 90-01 AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE CREDIT DURING PERIODS OF EMERGENCY<> for more information. * Determine if the district experienced a material decrease in attendance for days immediately following a school closure. For more information, refer to J-13 FAQ – Material Decrease<>.
* Review Prop. 98 Disaster Guidance for Child Nutrition Programs<> to determine if your district should file the NSLP Application for Meal Reimbursement During Disaster<>.
Independent Study Requirement: EC 46393 provides that the certified plan to offer independent study must comply with the following:
1. Independent study is offered to any student impacted by any of the conditions listed in EC Section 46392 within ten days of the first day of a school closure or material decrease in attendance. Students who are individuals with exceptional needs shall receive the services identified in their individualized education programs (IEPs) pursuant to EC Section 56345(a)(9) and may participate in an independent study program. 2. Require reopening for in-person instruction as soon as possible unless prohibited under the direction of the local or state health officer. 3. Include information regarding establishing independent study master agreements in a reasonable amount of time. This plan can be a board policy, master agreement, or any other relevant documentation as long as it adheres to the conditions listed above. Please note that if you closed early on January 9, the requirement to offer Independent Study to all affected students within 10 days, would start the clock ticking on January 10 instead of January 11. If you have questions about Independent Study requirements, please contact Steve Torres at ext. 5205 for guidance. J-13 Webinar CDE’s School Fiscal Services Division is hosting a webinar to provide LEAs with the latest information available on the Form J-13A for Fiscal Year 2022-23. During this webinar, which is intended for all LEAs, CDE will provide a general overview of the statutory requirements for instructional time, the applicable conditions for which a Form J-13A request would be appropriate, and the required documents that must be included in the Form J-13A submission process. The presentation will also include updates on current State of Emergencies authorized by the Governor. To join, please register for the 2022-23 Form J-13A Webinar<–H5ls1DncV6Q>. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to your district financial advisor.
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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2022-23 Form J-13A Webinar

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the 2022-23 Form J-13A Webinar. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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You are receiving this message because you have subscribed to the Principal Apportionment (PASE) Listserv.
The School Fiscal Services Division (SFSD) is hosting a webinar to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) with the latest information available on the Request for Allowance of Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions, Form J-13A for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23. During this webinar, which is intended for all local educational agencies (LEAs), SFSD will provide a general overview of the statutory requirements for instructional time, the applicable conditions for which a Form J-13A request would be appropriate, and the required documents that must be included in the Form J-13A submission process. The presentation will also include updates on current State of Emergencies authorized by the Governor.
To join, please register for the 2022-23 Form J-13A Webinar<–H5ls1DncV6Q>.
For more information concerning the Form J-13A, please refer to SFSD’s Frequently Asked Questions-Form J-13A<> web page.
For any questions concerning the Form J-13, please email<>.
The CDE PASE Listserv provides to local educational agencies and other interested parties important information pertaining to various apportionment-related items. If you no longer wish to receive information via the PASE Listserv, please follow the instructions provided on the CDE web page located at The same web page also provides information for anyone wanting to subscribe to the PASE Listserv.

Revised Federal Stimulus Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application Form and Additional Web Updates

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding the Revised Federal Stimulus Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application Form and Additional Web Updates. Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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January 19, 2023
This letter is to inform you of revisions to the capital expenditure pre-approval application for Federal Stimulus Funds, as well as additions and updates to multiple frequently asked questions (FAQs) and other web pages within the California Department of Education (CDE) Federal Stimulus Funding web page at
Revised Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application
CDE has updated the Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application form to include revised guidance and certifications to help ensure that local educational agencies (LEAs) are meeting all federal and state requirements. The updated Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application is now available at Starting February 1, 2023, all applications submitted to<> must use the updated form. Applications submitted on older versions of the template after this time may be returned for revision prior to review.
Capital Expenditures FAQs Updates
Additionally, the Capital Expenditures FAQs web page, available at, has been updated to reflect new guidance, including FAQs regarding construction, federal reporting requirements, allowable capital expenditures, and the use of California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) contracts.
FAQs Pages Updates
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) I, ESSER II, ESSER III, and the Learning Loss Mitigation Fund (LLMF) FAQs pages have been updated to reflect revised guidance published by the U.S. Department of Education at
The CDE updated FAQs are now available on the CDE website at:
* LLMF FAQs: * ESSER I Fund FAQs:<> * ESSER II Fund FAQs:<> * ESSER III Fund FAQs:
Updates include new guidance regarding allowable uses of funds for supporting English learners, addressing chronic absenteeism, responding to natural disaster-related damage, supporting STEAM initiatives, and more.
Updates have also been made to the ESSER III Plans section of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Funding web page at, to include additional information regarding future federal oversight of ESSER III Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans and ESSER III Expenditure Plans. Please review this information to ensure your LEA maintains compliance with federal requirements.

Should you have any questions about updated guidance, reporting, or other federal stimulus questions, please send those via email to<>.
The CDE Federal Stimulus Team
Join the CDE ED Relief Funds listserv by sending a blank email message to<>.

Federal Cash Management Data Collection Reporting Opens January 10, 2023

Dear School Business Professionals, We have been asked to forward the following information regarding Federal Cash Management Data Collection Reporting
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of<> Sent: Monday, January 09, 2023 11:59 PM To: Debbie Breck <<>> Subject: Federal Cash Management Data Collection Reporting Opens January 10, 2023
You are receiving this message because you have subscribed to the Federal Cash Management listserv.
This message pertains to local educational agencies (LEAs) that receive Title I, Title II, Title III, or Title IV funds.
Cash Management Data Collection
LEAs participating in the Every Student Succeeds Act formula grant programs must submit cash balance data through the Federal Cash Management Data Collection (CMDC) web application by January 31, 2023, as well as meet other applicable program eligibility requirements and federal cash management thresholds, to receive an apportionment of funds in the next scheduled payment in March 2023.
Reporting Window
* CMDC reporting window opens: January 10, 2023 * CMDC reporting window closes: January 31, 2023
Logon Steps and PIN Reset
1. The CMDC logon page is available at<>. 2. Click on the “Logon Page” link 3. Click on “District Logon” or “Direct Funded Charter Logon” 4. Select your County and District (and optionally Charter School) 5. Enter your PIN

**To request your PIN, select the “Request PIN” link from the following web page at<>. Your PIN will immediately be emailed to the Superintendent or Administrator on record with the California Department of Education (CDE).**
Additional Information and Questions
* If you would like to receive federal cash management updates via email notification, subscribe to the Federal Cash Management listserv by sending a “blank” message to<>. * For additional information on the CMDC, including instructions, future reporting dates, and frequently asked questions, please visit the CDE’s web page at<>. * For questions, please contact Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office at<>.

Thank you,
Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office School Fiscal Services Division California Department of Education
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Truck Mail for Tuesday

Good morning,

Given the current unsafe travel conditions and multiple road closures, SBCEO truck mail will be suspended for Tuesday, January 10. At this time, delivery services are expected to return as usual on Wednesday, January 11. If your scheduled pick up and delivery day was Tuesday, you will either receive service on Wednesday, January 11 or be contacted by Frank Lemos to arrange an alternate delivery day.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Frank Lemos at<>, our Delivery Specialist II, or any member of the SBAS team. If you have special considerations related to trucking schedules after reopenings, please contact Frank Lemos.

Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe.

Debbie Breck
Limited Term Interim Associate Superintendent, Administrative Services
Santa Barbara County Education Office
(805) 964-4711, ext. 5237<>
School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office
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CalSTRS Benefit Overpayment to Retirees – AB 1667

Attached please find the recently issued CalSTRS Employer Circular Letter 22-4 Volume 38 Issue 4: New 2023 statutes impacting CalSTRS.
The circular summarizes several new statutes impacting CalSTRS, including AB 1667 regarding Benefit Overpayment to Retirees.
* Districts and Unions can request advisory letters from STRS on reporting compensation before payroll. * STRS will publish resources annually that interpret and clarify the applicability of creditable compensation and creditable service. * New STRS audit and appeals process. * Overpayment to retirees and recovery from the employer.
CalSTRS has created a Frequently Asked Questions page on to help answer some employer questions about what AB 1667 does and when it takes effect. The webpage can be found at
If you have any additional questions about AB 1667, please contact<>.
Regards, School Business Advisory Services Team Santa Barbara County Education Office<>
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